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Bedford South Dentistry is proud to be a family-friendly dental practice. We see plenty of little patients and we make it our mission to help them develop healthy oral hygiene habits from a young age.
By teaching your children the importance of proper brushing and flossing – and making them aware of things like plaque, tartar and cavities – we find they are more likely to get serious about daily oral care.
The dental education we provide at Bedford South Dentistry will hopefully help make your job as a parent easier – and avoid bedtime battles over brushing and flossing. Your children will understand what they need to do in order to keep their teeth and gums healthy. And they just might start to enjoy it, too!
Here are some ways you can help your child develop a healthy attitude toward dental care:
Talk to your child about brushing and flossing. Tell them why it is so important to keep their teeth strong and healthy. Explain how there is sugar in the foods they eat and drink, and that sugar can stick to their teeth if it isn’t brushed away.
Show your child proper technique by brushing and flossing in front of them. Help them until they learn to do it all by themselves. We often recommend letting your child brush their own teeth first, and then doing a “touch-up” job yourself afterwards to ensure those teeth are really clean.
Even if coming to the dentist isn’t your favourite thing to do, keep all conversations about the dentist light and positive around your child. They need to see that going to the dentist is no big deal. Never use phrases like, “It’s not scary,” or “There’s nothing to be afraid of,” because that puts the idea in their head that it might be scary or frightening.
Our Kids Zone section educates kids about the basics of dental hygiene, in a fun and interactive way. The Kids Zone includes videos, games and colouring pages that are fun and interactive.
Contact your Bedford family dentist today to discuss more ways to get your child involved in their oral hygiene, or to schedule an appointment for them.
Q: I often hear my child grinding his teeth while he sleeps. Does he need a bite appliance?
A: Bite appliances are not usually suggested for children with baby teeth or mixed dentitions because they can restrict the growth of their jaw and the normal process of losing teeth. But please speak to the team at Bedford South Dentistry about your child's grinding habits, as there may be other ways we can help.
Q: Should my child come in to Bedford South Dentistry for her first dental visit before her first birthday?
A: We usually recommend a child comes for their first dental visit within 6 months of them getting their first tooth or by one year of age, which ever comes first. If you are unsure if your child should come in email or call us.
Q: I’m scared whenever I go to the dentist, and I always have been. How do I prevent my children from being afraid, too?
A: Dental practices and techniques have come a long way in recent years. These days there’s very little pain or discomfort involved in a dentist appointment. But some people are still scared. That’s OK, but it’s very important you try not to pass your fear of the dentist along to your children. Maintain light, relaxed conversations about dental visits. Keep all comments positive and show your children that going to the dentist is a fun experience.
Q: My baby has a few teeth. Do I need to brush them?
A: You should begin brushing your child’s teeth as soon as the teeth come in. Contrary to popular belief, even babies can get cavities — it’s often referred to as “baby bottle rot.” Sugars from milk and juice settle on their teeth and can cause decay. Since babies tend to suck on bottles slowly, we recommend that parents encourage their baby or toddler to finish a drink within 20 minutes. Then the parents should wipe baby’s teeth and gums to clean them, using a soft infant toothbrush or a wet washcloth. Do not put your baby to bed with a bottle of milk or juice.